Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Creative Divas!!

So my neighbor Christy and I have come up with a craft group, so excited!! We both love crafting around the house and with our kids so we decided what better way to share our ideas than having a craft group.  We have named it "Creative Divas" (hubby suggested craftoholics, but it just sounds like we have a "problem" and we sure don't, right?! lol)  This past weekend was our first meeting, we met at  my house for a couple of hours and painted bird houses with our girls K and Nat.

The girls had so much fun and we got to work on more ideas for the group.
We have decided to meet only once a month (first Sunday of the month), we would love to do it more often but with our crazy schedules we knew we wouldn't be able to keep it up. Plus, if we want the group to last, we need to make things right.
For now we only have 2 members, her and myself (well 4 if you count the girls, but since they ditched us 20 mins. after we started painting we are not counting them for now, lol) We would love to add more girls to the group but I guess that would come with time.
We still have some things to work on, like a logo, maybe a blog page :)  and some other details that makes getting together soo much fun, but for now we are happy where we are.  Next "get together" is scheduled for first Sunday in March, and we will be making citronella candles. I, of course, will be posting pictures soon!
For now I am leaving you with a few more pictures of our first ever meeting of the
Christy painting her house

 The "before" picture 

The finished product
 Our "work station"

Aren't they beautiful?!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Yee haw--It's Nat's 2nd birthday

For my daughter's second birthday party I decided to do a Cowgirl theme...We wanted to save some money on thelocation and since we live in the country this theme fit right in.

The Colors were brown and Pink and all the kids were given cowgirl/cowboy hats and bandannas as well as sheriff badges. We planned on having my neighbor's horse "beauty" there for the kids to ride her, as well as my daddy's farm animals (goats, sheep, chickens, pigs, miniature horses, etc.) to create like a petting zoo but since it rained that morning..let's just say they (the animals) were not "party ready" (you can imagine what they looked like after a bath in the mud, lol)

Here are some of the decorations.

Believe it or not...these were soo simple and cheap to make. They are made out of the Frappucino jars. filled with hay and put a flower or two from the dollar store. I found the sticker online so I printed them and put them on the jars. EASY!!!

 For Food, my wonderful husband, as always grilled some chickens (and other things that I can't remember right now, lol) as well as some corn on the cob!

As appetizers I had some veggie chips (my favorite), peanuts, and for the kids I put rice crispy treats because they look like mini hay bales...just to stay with the Cowgirl theme!

For drinks I had pink lemonade and sweet tea, and of course served them in mason jars...

For the cutlery, I found some very cute paisley print napkins so I used them and secured them with "rope" lol

Of course I had to have DIY party favors...I used metal bins (pink for girls and original color for boys) placed a sticker that said "Thanks y'all for coming to my party" and filled them up with candy and goodies. 

And since I always give the "mommies" a party favor to take home...I gave them "Cowgirl/cowboy cookies mix".  I put the mix in a mason jar and cover the lid with pink western fabric. They were a hit with the moms, and very delicious.

The kids had so much fun, we were able to have the hay ride. We borrowed my neighbor's tractor, attached the trailer, filled it up with hay bales and hubby drove it ( I think this was the part he enjoyed the most)  Even the adults (including myself) enjoyed the hay ride  (pics. coming soon!)

My daughter had a blast!!!

Thanks to my neighbor Grace for taking some awesome pics as always!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Nat's 1st birthday party!

When my daughter was born, I decided to throw her a party, and every year of her life there after. Growing up, my parents did the same to me and I truly enjoy looking back at the pictures. So for her first year, her theme was "ladybug...oh so sweet" below are some pictures my neighboor took from the event!
This is how I set up the kids table, lots of pink and green!
I ordered the cake from a local bakery (I have taken cake decorating classes, but I suck! lol)
She had a separate "smash cake" that she truly enjoyed staring at, lol. and some cupcakes with mini ladybugs on top, very cute!
This is how I decorated the tarp where the party took place. loved the pink sashes, and #1 ballons mixed with ladybug ballons.
I am truly blessed to have wonderful and talented neighbors... my neighbor Jamie painted all the little kiddos (and not so little) face, they really liked that!
For party favors I used Nat's formula cans, I saved them all! then painted them pink for the girls, green for the boys, and added ladybugs that I made with foam to the from of them. The kids had a blast eating all the candy, but it was a truly hit with the moms! (And that's how my "creatons" began) I also made (Not pictured, I couldn't find one) goodies for the moms. I saved all her stage 1 used food jars and lids and filled them with pink and green m&m's and of course decorated them with the theme colors and a ladybug, very cute!!
Neatless to say...everytime a friend has a party, they call me for ideas! (pad on the back,lol)
And what party is not complete without a pinata! and of course it had to be a ladybug! very cute...

 My "ladybug" with her daddy!
And what party is not complete without food! Hubby took pride in this delicious meal he cooked for over 50 people!

My baby had a blast, and that made this lady one happy momma!!

Giving this "blogging thing" a try!

I have been wanting to blog since I first became a mom in 2009, but never found the time (or better said the courage) to do it. Until now, I think I am at a time in my life where I have things to blog about.  Before, all I cared for was what I was going to wear to the club and if my friends (and a few crushes) would be there. But having kids change your life 360 degrees. But in order for you to understand where the title to my blog page came I have to go all the way back to the beginning, so here I go.

I was just a little girl when my parents decided to bring me to this beautiful country that I now call home, to pursuit the so called "American Dream" hint the title to my blog.  My father promised me he would take me to Disney World and that's how he convinced me (smart man huh? lol) It might have taken him 10 years but he took me to see Mickey Mouse! and every year thereafter (  I guess he was making up for all those 10 years I waited patiently) and I sure did not complain.

Being a Mexican family, we were very close, ate dinners together every night, spend lots of quality time with each other, and enjoying every single moment. I truly had a wonderful childhood; being an only child for 16 years and only grand child for 10, I was very spoiled and loved by all of my family, but the relationship me and my father had (or daddy as I STILL call him) was truly the best thing I could ever ask for. 

But it wasn't all peaches and creams. When I was 19 my parents decided to separate, breaking that "perfect family" I had (or so I thought) leaving my brother (Jose, who was 3 at the time) and myself with a broken heart and a sense of emptiness that I still struggle to fill.  Their divorce was one of the hardest things I have ever had to deal with (and still struggle to), but thanks to lots of visits to my therapist (or crazy doctor as I call her) I can talk about it without tearing up.

Today I am blessed with a family of my own, my husband of 5 years, my 2 wonderful babies, Natalie who is 3 and Owen who us just 2 months old. I have a career in Real Estate that I enjoy very much, a very social (or nosey in other words) life, and a great relationship with both of my parents. 

What else can I girl like me ask for?? maybe a million dollars! lol. But, hey, nothing is perfect, right?! lol

So, bare with me as I begin this new adventure as a blogger!! Here I will post pics of my pride and joy, my babies of course, my "creations" as my neighbor calls them, and my day-to-day events.